Sunday, February 28, 2010

It was good to use the social searching tools, I knew of the existance of these sites before but I had never thought to actually use them. When I did have to sign up and think about a question to ask I realised how valuable this would be to be able to tap into the wisdom of so many people. Once I posted my question I was really looking forward to seeing the answers and was surprised at the quality and quantity that I got! It may be hard to varify answers based on facts, however I see people refering to other websites in their answers to back up what they are saying, it is also good to hear people's opinions and experiences. I can see a use for an answer board specifically for reference questions on the libraries website, with a librarian rostered for some time each day to answer the questions. Slamming the boards is a great idea to highlight the skills of librarians and it's great that people are out there doing this!

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